Protect your data with Veeam

Effective backup solutions for SMEs

Protect your company data with our reliable and efficient backup solutions. Minimize downtime and ensure that your data is always available.

Automated backups

Schedule and automate your backups to ensure your data is always backed up without the need for manual intervention.

Quick recovery

Restore your data in the shortest possible time to minimize downtime and quickly resume business operations.

Scalable solutions

Our backup solutions grow with your company and adapt to your changing requirements.

Interesting facts

Did you know that 60% of SMEs that suffer data breaches have to close within six months?


Data loss at SMEs

Over 70% of small and medium-sized companies have suffered at least one significant data loss in the last five years.


were the costs of data breaches in the United States last year.

Request a consultation now

Learn how Veeam backup solutions can protect your business and reduce your IT costs. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation and learn how to manage your data securely and efficiently.